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Kind of beautiful

Thigh Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of West Covina, CA

Many people are bothered by loose skin and fat on their inner and outer thighs. Excess tissue can create both cosmetic and functional problems, especially on the inner thigh, and unfortunately this area rarely responds to diet and exercise. A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat resulting in smoother, better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

If saggy skin on your thighs is limiting what clothing you feel comfortable wearing, a thigh lift at Shine Cosmetic Surgery is the answer for you. Dr. Daniel H. Lin understands that toning your thighs can sometimes be an impossible challenge and a thigh lift involves the removal of excess thigh tissue: both skin and fat. Some people are genetically predisposed to carry excess fat cells in their thighs and others who have lost weight, especially through gastric bypass surgery, may discover that their skin does not conform to their new figure. Fortunately, a thigh lift performed by Dr. Lin can slim down your thigh areas through liposuction and other surgical techniques, creating a more slender appearance.

When considering a thigh lift surgery, Dr. Lin will consult with you to make sure you fully understand the procedure and that you have realistic expectations. Your thigh lift is typically performed under general anesthesia although local anesthetic with intravenous sedation may be an option in some cases. Dr. Lin normally places thigh lift incisions in the inner thigh, but locations vary depending on your specific needs. Most thigh lift incisions lie at the junction of the thigh and groin, in the crease where the elastic on your underwear rests however if you have extra skin all the way down to your knees, you may have a vertical incision that extends from your groin to your knee placed on the inside of your leg. Dr. Lin will remove excess fat and loose skin before stretching the skin back in place and closing the incisions with fine sutures.

A thigh lift is usually performed on the inner surface of the thighs but it can also include the outer thigh area and buttock with a lower body lift. It is very common to combine body-contouring procedures into the same operative session and one of the more common combinations involves thigh and lower body contouring. In many cases, liposuction is also used during the procedure but liposuction alone cannot replace a thigh lift if there is too much extra skin. Since a thigh lift removes loose skin and excess fatty deposits, liposuction of this and other areas is commonly performed in conjunction with your thigh lift. If you only have a thigh lift, the procedure will take approximately one hour and you will be able to go home the same day as your surgery. If you choose to combine your thigh lift with other procedures, you may need to stay overnight and all of these options will be discussed prior to your surgery. Most patients return to work within two weeks and there may be some discomfort initially, which is controlled through medication. Dr. Lin will provide a compression garment that will limit any swelling while promoting good skin contraction and you will be instructed to wear this for the majority of your thigh lift recovery period. While some strenuous activities can be resumed in six weeks, full recovery may require four months or longer.

The results of your thigh lift are apparent almost immediately.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Lin will review your medical history and health and discuss your goals for thigh lift surgery to ensure you are a suitable candidate. If you stand in front of your mirror and are bothered by the sagging skin on your thighs, fortunately you can do something about it. Only a thigh lift can correct the excess skin on your thighs so please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today for more information on this procedure and other possible cosmetic enhancements that you are considering.


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