Be your own
Kind of beautiful

Dermal Fillers

Conveniently located to serve the areas of West Covina, CA

The way your skin looks is directly related to the support structure underneath your skin. As you age, your natural collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) diminishes causing wrinkles and creases that make you look much older than you really are. Collagen is the most abundant natural protein found in your body providing the foundation to your skin, muscles, tendons, and bones. Collagen is made up of fibers woven together to form a place for new cells to grow and it provides texture, resiliency and shape to your skin while hyaluronic acid provides your skin’s volume. Sun exposure, lifestyle choices, injuries, genetics, and environmental factors also contribute to the premature aging of your skin but fortunately you no longer have to “grow old gracefully”.

Dermal fillers are substances injected just below the surface of your skin to replenish the supporting elements and it can fill in lines, reduce or eliminate wrinkles, replace soft-tissue volume loss, reduce hollows under your eyes, enhance lips, and raise scar depressions from the inside out restoring a more youthful appearance. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, located in Los Angeles, California, patient safety and comfort is of utmost importance to Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. He is committed to staying current on all medical technology that is why he thoroughly researches and investigates new fillers until he is confident that they are appropriate to use on his patients. He understands that some people are not ready for cosmetic surgery and that is why he offers non-surgical procedures including dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers have individual properties and characteristics as well as optimal performance longevity. There are basically two types of dermal fillers: temporary dermal fillers and permanent, long lasting dermal fillers. With temporary fillers, touch-up injections are necessary to maintain results and the frequency of treatments depends on the characteristics of the original filler selected. Without ongoing treatments, your body will gradually absorb the temporary dermal filler and your face will return to its original conditions.

There are a number of temporary dermal filler products including:

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring protein found in your body that is part of your connective and supportive tissues. You will not experience allergic reactions with HA dermal fillers because they are composed of agents that are identical to what is found in all living organisms. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers offer a safe and effective nonsurgical option for smoothing your facial wrinkles and folds. HA dermal fillers are the fastest growing nonsurgical aesthetic procedure in the United States according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) because it is a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. HA injections take approximately 15 minutes and there is minimal downtime and recovery

Collagen Dermal Fillers

Collagen is the most abundant natural protein found in your body and it provides structural support. Collagen based dermal (skin) fillers are made from human collagen and injected just below the skin’s surface to fill in deep folds, smooth wrinkles, and restore the lip borders.

Fat Graft (Fat Injection) Dermal Fillers

A fat injection procedure involves extracting fat cells from the patient, usually in their abdomen or thighs, and then re-injecting the fat under their skin. Fat injections are typically used as a dermal filler to fill in laugh lines or sunken cheeks. A local anesthetic is applied to minimize discomfort during this procedure and some swelling and bruising may occur which can last for several weeks. The longevity of the fat injection dermal filler varies significantly from patient to patient and can last from 6 months to several years

There is a new generation of longer lasting soft tissue injectable dermal fillers and during your consultation with Dr. Lin, after evaluating your individual situation; he will recommend the best procedure for you. Although collagen was the original facial filler that gained popularity about the same time as BOTOX® Cosmetic, more advanced fillers have taken its place and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery we offer several advanced dermal fillers to give you the best possible results including:

Dermal fillers can be used to re-contour your face to some extent and they have become extremely popular because they work well and they are safe. When you receive a dermal filler treatment from Dr. Lin, all injectables are combined with a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort. If your pain level is especially sensitive however, a longer lasting anesthetic can be used to create blocks that provide complete anesthesia of the areas being worked on. To begin your treatment, the targeted injection site will be cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic before Dr. Lin injects the dermal filler into and below your skin’s dermis with a fine needle. Once injected, the solution will join with your skin’s own properties and start to add volume. To ensure proper placement of the dermal filler, Dr. Lin may massage the injection site and after your treatment, the site may feel overly full but this will quickly dissipate. You may experience some mild side effects including itching, redness, bruising, or swelling, which can be controlled by applying an ice pack. The degree of swelling and bruising varies but most patients return to work the next day although they may need a cover-up.

If you are ready to see how dermal fillers can correct the signs of aging on your face, we encourage you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery and let us schedule your complimentary consultation. Dr. Lin knows that like people, not all dermal fillers are created equal and your treatment needs to be individualized.

He will customize a plan to meet your specific needs after evaluating your facial wrinkles, folds, and contours so please call today and discover a younger you.


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