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Kind of beautiful

Mommy Makeover

Conveniently located to serve the areas of West Covina, CA

Bringing a baby into the world is one of the most rewarding and unforgettable joys a woman can experience. The accompanying physical changes resulting from pregnancy, birth, and nursing however can leave a mom feeling less than satisfied as she loses confidence with the way her body looks. By definition, a “Mommy Makeover” is a term referring to a combination of surgical procedures performed at the same time to reshape and tighten a mother’s body, reversing the physical changes brought about by pregnancy and childbirth.

At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin performs a mommy makeover to restore or improve a mother’s post-pregnancy body because he understands how hard it is for new moms to lose all the weight they gained during pregnancy.

After having their baby, some new moms feel that they still look pregnant in the abdominal area because the weakened muscles and the excess abdominal fat appear as “fullness”. This can cause serious psychological issues and although eventually many new moms may get rid of the excess weight, the loss is often not proportional to the amount of fatty tissue in a given area. All or some of the changes that occur after having a baby can make a mom feel unattractive and fortunately, a mommy makeover can address these issues and give a new mom back a body she can be proud of.

A mommy makeover, or restoration, may include a number of cosmetic procedures including:

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