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Kind of beautiful

Chin Implants

Conveniently located to serve the areas of West Covina, CA

A strong jaw line has always been considered a distinguishing factor for attractiveness and that is one of the reasons chin implants are considered one of the fastest growing plastic surgery procedures according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

The goal of chin implants (mentoplasty) is to balance your facial profile by enhancing a weak chin and improving overall facial harmony. A weak chin will often make the face look too pointy and the neck appear too fat. Ideally, your face should be divided into equally proportioned thirds in the upper, middle, and lower parts. Each of these parts should have proportional prominence and when the lower part of the chin is either to short vertically or receded, a chin implant improves the vertical height as well as the projection of the chin.

The ideal size of the chin is somewhat subjective and depends on other factors such as the height of the individual and the overall size of the face and nose. It has been said that in a profile view, the front of your chin should come close to a vertical line drawn from the vermilion border of your lower lip or red line and the front border of a weak chin is usually set back significantly from this ideal red line. Chin augmentation surgery can make a huge difference to men and women with underdeveloped chins and jawlines. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin is proud to make a difference in his patient’s lives by adding shape and size to a weak or receding chin (Microgenia). He understands that chin implant surgery enhances aesthetic attractiveness leading to a marked increase in confidence and self-esteem.

Using IV sedation anesthesia, Dr. Lin performs chin augmentation by placing a synthetic implant over the bony chin to improve the balance between your chin and the rest of your face. The implant is inserted through a small incision under your chin in a crease that serves as a natural camouflage. Alternatively, an incision can be made inside the mouth, between the gum, and the lip depending on the patient’s needs. The materials of choice for chin augmentation are Silastic (medical-grade silicone rubber) and Gore-Tex and because the implant will rest directly on top of bone, it will feel like an extension of the bone itself. Chin implants stabilize over time and do not reabsorb so the results are permanent and in situations where there is excess neck fat, liposuction can remove it during your chin implant procedure. A chin implant takes approximately 30 minutes and although you may experience minor discomfort, this is easily controlled with medication. Swelling around your chin will improve within 4-5 days and most patients are able to resume their normal routine at that time although it is recommended that you avoid chewing hard foods for approximately one week.

After chin augmentation, the position of your chin will be closer to the ideal line and your neck will also appear thinner and more sculpted as well. If you are considering a chin implant, Dr. Lin encourages you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery and schedule a consultation. During your meeting, he will listen to your concerns and discuss your options and together you will decide if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. Dr. Lin understands that there is a great variety when it comes to individual features of the chin, neck, and lower jaw so he will customizes a treatment plan designed specifically for you.

If you have inherited a profile with little or no chin, a chin implant may be the perfect solution you have been looking for so please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.


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