Be your own
Kind of beautiful

Brow Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of West Covina, CA

The effects of growing older are inevitable and often your brow and forehead areas are the first to show the signs of aging. When you look in the mirror and see unwanted frown lines above your nose and in the middle of your forehead, you look and feel older than you really are. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a procedure that allows Dr. Lin to access the muscles causing your furrow lines. Raising your brows will minimize the creases that develop from age, genetics, and stress by smoothing wrinkles across your forehead, elevating droopy eyebrows, reducing excess skin above your upper lids, and by repositioning your sagging brow.

Based on new advances in medical technology, different methods are used to perform this procedure and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery a brow lift can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures.

There are two methods to lift your forehead and eyebrow areas including the:

The traditional brow lift technique, or coronal brow lift, involves one continuous incision beginning at the level of your ears extending up around your hairline. This technique is more extensive than endoscopic surgery and can produce more dramatic results in patients with a significant amount of excess tissue.

During the endoscopic lift, Dr. Lin will make a few tiny incisions so there is virtually no scarring. He will insert a miniature camera on the end of a thin tube (scope) into one of the incisions to see the surgical area and make very precise adjustments to your muscle and tissue. Dr. Lin will use small anchors to secure the tissue and because the cuts are smaller, this procedure is less invasive so you will have a shorter recovery time.

Swelling and bruising are to be expected on your forehead and eyes after your brow lift surgery however, this always varies between patients. Any symptoms will begin to resolve during the first week after surgery and your forehead may also have decreased sensation that will also improve over time. Most patients resume minimal activity between 7-10 days and complete recovery occurs in approximately two weeks. Depending on your preference, Dr. Lin uses either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation and this will be decided before your procedure.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Lin will discuss your current health, medical history, and overall aesthetic goals. He will evaluate your forehead region and have you make a series of expressions so he can decide how to best correct your unique situation through an individual plan. Dr. Lin will listen to your concerns and depending on your skin quality, the amount of excess tissue, as well as the position of the inner, middle, and outer portions of your eyebrows, he will recommend the type of surgery that will give you the most rewarding results.

Your conversation will also help Dr. Lin understand your expectations and together you will determine whether they can be realistically achieved.

In addition to a brow lift, our practice offers many other rejuvenating options to lift, tighten, and smooth your facial appearance.  As a leading cosmetic surgeon in California, Dr. Lin has the experience and expertise to create a beautiful and natural-looking you.  Brow lift surgery will restore your youthful appearance and many satisfied patients leave our facility feeling more refreshed and alert than they have in years.  For more information, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us help you decide if brow lift surgery is right for you.


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